Children’s Ministry

Fellowship. Faith. FUN!

At St. Francis UMC we love children in worship and are involved in the life of the church. We want each child who comes to church to experience the love and grace of God. We also hope that they learn about how God's story is part of their own story through Bible lessons, music, mission, and fellowship!

Children’s Sunday School is every sunday at 9:15am, followed by 10:10am worship.

Children’s Church is available after the children’s moment during worship, and nursery is available for the duration of worship.

Parenting today comes with its unique set of challenges.  Screens are everywhere, social media is impacting relationships, mental health concerns, along with learning difficulties, and increased anxiety over a competitive academic landscape are inescapable.  It's no wonder some of our kids and families are struggling!

St. Francis United Methodist Church is excited to offer a new Empowering Parents, Supporting Families seminar series.  It is our way of supxporting families within our community by helping parents gain strategies and support in dealing with their most pressing challenges.  Stay tuned for our first event of the year!

About Empowering Parents

Kristen Jackson

Kristen is the Director of Children’s Ministry at St. Francis.

Contact her by email