Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, the people of St. Francis welcome you.

Our Mission: To be faithful to Jesus in this time and place.

Current Sermon Series: Empty and filled


Join us every Sunday at 10:10am for worship - in person in the sanctuary or online via YouTube!

Click the button below to join us online or view previous worship services.

Featured Upcoming Events

  • Preschool Sunday

    Sunday, March 23 10:10am

    Join us as we are led by our preschool and celebrate a Blessing of the Stuffies.

  • Church Clean-up Day

    Saturday, April 5 8:00-12:00pm

    Join us as we trim shrubs, plant & weed, spread mulch, etc. to beautify our church campus.

  • Good Friday Cantata

    Friday, April 18 6:00pm

    Join us as we experience a music-filled Tenebrae service to help us to reflect on Christ’s arrest, crucifixion, and death.

  • Easter Eggstravaganza

    Saturday, April 19 11-1:00pm

    Join us for our annual family event of games, egg hunts, face-painting, food, and, of course, the Easter Bunny!

  • Easter Sunday!

    Sunday, April 20 10:10am

    He Is Risen! Bring a favorite fresh flower to decorate the cross. After the service, we will gather outside for refreshments and family photos while the children (and adults) release their butterflies.

  • Vacation Bible School

    Mon-Thu June 23-26 9-12:00pm

    Magnified VBS: Kids will discover the BIGNESS of God in the smallest of things!


Visit Us

4200 McKee Rd, Charlotte, NC 28270

Sunday Worship at 10:10am