Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, the people of St. Francis welcome you.
Our Mission: To be faithful to Jesus in this time and place.
Current Sermon Series: Empty and filled
Join us every Sunday at 10:10am for worship - in person in the sanctuary or online via YouTube!
Click the button below to join us online or view previous worship services.
Featured Upcoming Events
Preschool Sunday
Sunday, March 23 10:10am
Join us as we are led by our preschool and celebrate a Blessing of the Stuffies.
Church Clean-up Day
Saturday, April 5 8:00-12:00pm
Join us as we trim shrubs, plant & weed, spread mulch, etc. to beautify our church campus.
Good Friday Cantata
Friday, April 18 6:00pm
Join us as we experience a music-filled Tenebrae service to help us to reflect on Christ’s arrest, crucifixion, and death.
Easter Eggstravaganza
Saturday, April 19 11-1:00pm
Join us for our annual family event of games, egg hunts, face-painting, food, and, of course, the Easter Bunny!
Easter Sunday!
Sunday, April 20 10:10am
He Is Risen! Bring a favorite fresh flower to decorate the cross. After the service, we will gather outside for refreshments and family photos while the children (and adults) release their butterflies.
Vacation Bible School
Mon-Thu June 23-26 9-12:00pm
Magnified VBS: Kids will discover the BIGNESS of God in the smallest of things!
Visit Us
4200 McKee Rd, Charlotte, NC 28270
Sunday Worship at 10:10am